In 1964 and 1966 I climbed Mt. Ararat and made a theodolite survey of the its summit glaciers. The glaciers at the west side were named by me Parrot glacier and Abich I and Abich II glacier, after the earlier investigators of the mountain. At the far left side of the picture one sees the sharp ice edge above the Cehennem dere. Behind that and invisible on this picture the Abich glacier tumbles down and reforms into the Cehennem dere glacier. At the right side of the picture one sees the sharp ice edge of the first platform. Higher up one sees the sharp edge of the second platform. At the top one sees the two summits of Ararat. Between the two summits the Abich II glacier starts. In the very foreground one sees the top of the Parrot glacier.

Publication: Nicolaas A. van Arkel. Die gegenwärtige Vergletcherung des Ararat. Zeitschrift für Gletcherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. IX, Heft 1-2, 1973, 89-103.